Workshop LIFE ClimaMED Project
Soil organic carbon and GHGs in farming systems
26th April 2024
Congress Centre of Elche, Spain
Innovative technologies for climate change mitigation by Mediterranean agricultural sector
What is LIFE - ClimaMED?
LIFE ClimaMED is an ambitious project that aims to provide devices and decisions-support tools for the measurement of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from agricultural sector and the quantification of soil organic matter changes (SOC). ClimaMED will facilitate and incentivize behavioral change at local and regional level by providing additional initiatives to farmers for the transition to low GHG emissive agricultural practices.
Attendance will be online in the link given by organization (it will be sent to your email). Program used: ZOOM. On site attendance will be possible but there is a limited number of seats. Please, in the case you want to attend in person, please provide your contact to the organisation and it will be confirmed as soon as possible.
An e-book in pdf format with the conferences will be available for all the participants. Online certificate will be given to the participants and speakers.
Will you miss it?
Location of event
Congress Centre of Elche, Spain
Located in a very attractive environment in the heart of the historic center. It is a modern steel and glass building, equipped with the most advanced infrastructure, which has become the main reference for the realization of meetings in the south of the province of Alicante.
Workshop Program
10:00. Opening
Dr. Maria Doula and Dr. Jose Navarro Pedreño, Project coordinator and project coordinator at the UMH, Spain.
10:20. Conference – Climate change and agriculture – Is it time for decisive decisions?
Dr. Maria Doula, project coordinator. Benaki Phytopathoilogical Institute, Greece.
10:50. Conference – Crop diversification and sustainable soil management can enhance soil carbon sequestration in agroecosystems
Dr. Raúl Zornoza Belmonte. Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain.
11:20. Break
11:40. Conference – Two examples of sustainable strategies for the management of agroindustrial and livestock organic wastes: the projects LIFE-AGROWASTE and LIFE-MANEV
Dr. María de los Ángeles Bustamante Muñoz. CIAGRO, University Miguel Hernández, Spain.
12:10. Conference – Sustainable soil management to unleash soil biodiversity potential and increase environmental, economic and social wellbeing
Dr. Fuensanta García Orenes. Department of Agrochemistry and Environment, University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain.
12:40. Closing
Encuentro con las partes interesadas en el proyecto LifeClimaMED
Encuentro con agricultores y miembros de las partes interesadas, solamente para miembros de la Comunidad de Riegos de Levante margen izquierda, Comunidad de Regantes de Carrizales , L’Unió. La inscripción al acto se realizará a través de las organizaciones agrarias). Plazas limitadas a 60 personas. Sala de Grados, Aulario de La Galia, campus de Elche.
17:30. Apertura
Francisco Javier Benito. Director general de Desarrollo Rural de la Conselleria de Agricultura, ganadería y pesca de la Generalitat Valenciana.
Juan de Dios Navarro Caballero. Concejal de Relaciones Institucionales, Medio Ambiente, Palmeral, Agricultura y Agua del excmo. Ayuntamiento de Elche.
17:45. El proyecto LIFE ClimaMed y la actividad agraria
Dr. Jose Navarro Pedreño, coordinador del proyecto en la UMH.
18:00. Encuentro informal y pausa-café
19:00. Finalización del acto
*A los asistentes se le hará entrega de la guía de buenas prácticas para mejorar la sostenibilidad agraria.
Meeting with Stakeholders of
Life ClimaMED project (on site, only in Spanish for members of stakeholders)
17:30. Opening
Mr. Francisco Javier Benito. General Director of Rural Development of the Conselleria of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Generalitat Valenciana.
17:45. The LIFE ClimaMed project and agricultural activity
Dr. Jose Navarro Pedreño, project coordinator at the UMH.
18:00. Informal meeting and coffee break
19:00. Completion of the act.
*Attendees will be given a guide to good practices to improve agricultural sustainability.
Organising Committee
- Manuel M. Jordán Vidal (coordinator)
- María Belén Almendro Candel
- Juan Capmany Francoy
- Carlos Rodríguez Fernández-Pousa
Scientific Committee
- José Navarro Pedreño (coordinator)
- María Doula
- Ignacio Gómez Lucas
Organized by the University Miguel Hernández of Elche and the assistance of TARSA